Meet Our Trainer

Qualification:- B.Com.,Masters in Business Administration (MBA) in Finance & Marketing,1995.
- Yoga Trainers Course from The YOGA INSTITUTE Santacruz Mumbai,(India’s.One of the oldest Yoga institute founded by Sri Yogendra)
- Acupressure course from Devendra Vora Institute, Santacruz
- Yogacharya from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, accredited by council for yoga accreditation international (USA)
Professional profile:-
Presently conducting yoga classes under the name RUCHA’s Antar Yoga, (R AY)
Practising Yoga Instructor for last 16 years(including 5 years in Lagos, Nigeria) for variety of members like:-
- Corporates
- Ladies
- Senior Citizens
- Children
- Conducting heath camps
Expertise in:-
- Pre-natal ,post-natal Yoga
- Orthopedic patients.
- Diabetic patients
- Stress management for Corporate
- Meditation
Conducted corporate yoga sessions in stress management for an entertainment media company staff.
Associated with Study of Neuroscience of Yoga from Centre for Behavioral Medicine ,Pune.